Sounding the Shofar
The Shofar, a well know symbol of Rosh Hashanah, is one of the earliest instruments used in Jewish music. Usually made from a ram's horn, it is the one musical instrument that has been sustained in practice from ancient times. In Biblical times the Shofar was blown to announce an important event, such as the alarm of war or the Junibilee Year. The Shofar was also sounded during the greatest event in all Jewish history, the giving of the Torah-Revelation to Moses at Mount Sinai (Shavuot).
The blowing of the Shofar is the only specific commandment for Rosh Hashanah. Just as trumpeters announced the presence of their mortal king, the Shofar is used by Jews to proclaim the coronation of the King of Kings. The ram's horn is blown 100 times. When the Shofar is sounded we pray that our prayers for peace, justice and redemption be carried throughout the world.