Throughout history, people have sought knowledge of future events from special individuals or groups who were thought to have the gift of prophecy, such as Oracles at Delphi in ancient Greece. Cultures in which prophecy played an important role include the North American Indians, Mayans, Celts, Druids, Chinese, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Hindus, Hebrews, Tibetans, Greeks, and many in the Christian tradition, among others.
Throughout the history of the Prayer Vigil for the Earth, various participants have presented the prophecies of their peoples. Many of these prophecies are ancient and have a great bearing on the events of today.
- Statement by Leon Shenandoah, Haudenoshonee, at the U.N. Cry of the Earth Conference, November 22, 1993
- Message from Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Nineteenth Generation, Lakota Nation
- Seven Fires Prophecy of the Anishnabe People, William Commanda
- Statement by Thomas Banyacya, Hopi Elder
- Hopi Prophecy
- Hopi Elder Dan Evehhema's Message To Mankind
- Hopi Elders on Art Bell Talk Show, June 16, 1998